Electoral Boundary Review – Have your say…
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) is proposing to reduce the number of councillors from 57 to 42 in time for the 2019 local council elections.
Ward numbers could also be cut from 23 to 19, with Windsor’s Clewer North and Clewer South wards set to be reshaped into Clewer and Dedworth West and Clewer and Dedworth East.
This could mean 15 councillors will be axed in the Borough.
I urge my local residents to have a say in the matter. The deadline for feedback is May 7th 2018 with the final recommendations expected on 10th July 2018.
Visit www.consultation.lgbce.org.uk/node/ 10380 or write to The Review Officer, Local Government Boundary Commission for England, 14th Floor, Millbank Tower, London SW1P 4QP.