My Role as Councillor
I was elected in May 2015 to serve the residents of Clewer North in the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead.
My role as a councillor is quite varied but essentially my golden aim is to protect the interests of my local residents in whatever way I can. This is done in a variety of ways;
- I listen to residents’ concerns and deal with queries that are directed to me by taking a proactive approach by raising their concerns with officers and fellow members.
- I provide local residents with advice and guidance if I am in a position to do so on local matters and keep them informed through canvassing and leaflet drops.
- I scrutinise reports that are prepared from officers to ensure we are getting a fair deal. This process allows me to check and balance what the officers are recommending.
- I attend panel meetings for the committees I sit on such as Licensing, Crime & Disorder, Windsor Town Forum & Full Council to make sure the Borough as a whole is working efficiently and effectively.
- I try to hold the Cabinet and Leader to account for decisions that are taking and ensure that Clewer North is considered in budget matters.
- I champion new ideas to keep Clewer North a vibrant and strong community.
- I explore opportunities for young people because I am keen they remain in education and have opportunities for employment by completing formal qualifications.
- I ensure services are maintained for all residents and in particular the elderly.
- I ensure that our housing and health needs are considered.
Since taking office I have dealt with speeding issues, over-development, planning matters, TPOs, parking issues, signage, pollution, bus stop queries, greenbelt issues, housing, anti-social behaviour and various community-related issues.
Clewer North Ward Profile (as at Nov 2016)
- There are 7,921 people living in Clewer North, 19.2% of these are children aged 0 to 15 and 20.9% are older people aged 65 and over. The non-white British population accounts for 18.7% of the total population. 86% of the Clewer North population were born in the UK. This is more than the average of Windsor and Maidenhead.
- 68.8% of children living in Windsor and Maidenhead achieved 5 GCSEs at grade A* to C. 56.6% of children living in Clewer North achieved 5 GCSEs at grade A* to C. 71.4% of children living in Windsor and Maidenhead achieved the expected level of attainment at Key Stage 2. 68.8% of children living in Clewer North achieved the expected level of attainment at Key Stage 2.
- In Clewer North 8.4% of the working age population claim benefits compared with 5.6% in Windsor and Maidenhead. 67.3% of the population of Clewer North who are aged 16 to 74 years are in employment. This is lower than the average in Windsor and Maidenhead. In Clewer North, the majority of people in employment (46% of workers) were employed in Managerial/professional/technical occupations. 18% of workers were employed in Professional occupations. 20.3% of working age people in Clewer North have no formal qualifications.
- An estimated 21.5% of adults in Clewer North are obese. An estimated 19.1% of adults in Clewer North binge drink. An estimated 28.4% of adults in Clewer North eat healthily.
- There were 338 crimes recorded in Clewer North during 2013/14. This equates to 43.1 crimes per 1,000 people living in Clewer North - a rate that is lower than the average across Windsor and Maidenhead.
- The average life expectancy at birth for males living in Clewer North is 77.9 years. The average life expectancy at birth for females in Clewer North is 81.7 years. Death rates from all causes in people aged less than 75 are as expected. Emergency hospital admissions for all causes are lower than expected (given the age and gender structure of the population and national death/admission rates).
- Clewer North is ranked 5 out of 23 Wards in Windsor and Maidenhead for levels of deprivation where 23 is the least deprived. 14.2% of children in Clewer North are at risk of living in poverty, compared with 9% across Windsor and Maidenhead.
- There are a total of 3278 dwellings in Clewer North. The most common housing type in Clewer North is Semi-detached. This accounts for 41.5% of all housing. The average household size in Clewer North is 2.4 people and 5.31% of housing in Clewer North is classified as needing one or more bedrooms more than it has in order to be adequately sized for the number of people living there.