30 August 2017
Cllr Bhatti and Cllr Pryer have ensured that speed limit signs have been installed on Gally’s Road. Despite the speed humps and parked cars on the road some motorists still go too fast. We have also delivered on a promise to residents in Tudor Way to get a speed sign installed.
28 August 2017
As many of you will be aware, there is an unauthorised encampment on the green space at Whiteley with 19 caravan units and 24 vehicles occupying the land.
18 August 2017
The latest version of the Borough Local Plan is available through the RBWM website here: https://www3.rbwm.gov.uk/info/200414/local_development_framework/594/emerging_plans_and_policies Clewer North residents will be delighted to hear the deadline to feedback comments has been extended to 27th September 2017. If you have any questions, please do reach out to me.
10 August 2017
Football fanatics designed their own boots in a colouring competition at Dedworth Library.
The contest ran from July 1 and was named after former Chelsea and England footballer Peter Osgood, who used to live in the area.
05 August 2017
I have received a number of complaints from local residents about racecourse noise from events and I am continuing to monitor the situation. I have visited those residents that complained directly to me and informed the Environment Protection and Licensing team. If this is something of concern to you, please do reach out to me and record the date/time of the incidents.